Thursday, March 9, 2017

In The Image Of Christ

 In the Image of Christ 
By: Pastor Fougere Gordon 

INTRODUCTION: When God created man, he said that it was very good. Another word, the Lord considered the creation of man to be a crowning achievement. We are very special in every respect because we are God’s masterpiece. Here are some interesting facts about human beings that will fascinate you. Were you aware that nerve impulses inside of your body travel to and from your brain at a speed of 250 miles per hour, and that when you sneeze, this generates a wind speed of up to 100 mph? Your brain is just like a supercomputer with the capability of reading up to 1,000 words per minute at peak performance and able to perform 38 thousand trillion operations per second. So, the idea of the average individual only using 10% of their brain is factually untrue. People must use 100% of their brain because of the many complex operations the brain must process such as breathing, regulating oxygen flow, heart beats, generating body heat, processing body waste, and so forth. By the time a person reaches their 18th birthday, their brain stops growing and a person is not considered clinically dead until their brain ceases to function. The shape and texture of the tongue, the shape of the ear, and the retina of the eye, tongue prints and fingerprints are unique to every person and therefore, biometrics can identify individuals based on one of those body parts. This is also true of the teeth which contain DNA; the key reasons people can be positively identified through dental records. While most people believe there are only five senses, technically, there are much more to include balance, temperature, pain, suffocation, thirst, hunger, and fullness. Stomach acid is so strong that it can dissolve metal. These factoids are only mentioned to point out how infinitely unique and special we are. We gain our value and worth from God; not our positions, professions, culture, national origin, economic status, the level of education, or anything of that sort. When 
we depend on those factors to determine our value and worth, we will either develop an inferiority complex or an out-of-control ego. But, when we recognize that we were created by Almighty God, shaped in his image, and uniquely created for a special purpose, we will be humbled, in awe of his majesty, and grateful to the Lord. King David thought about God’s majesty in the situation involving his own birth and realized the awesomeness of God in the entire process. 

SCRIPTURE: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be headPsalm 139:13-16). 

MESSAGE: It’s real easy to fall into the trap of defining ourselves by personal achievements, career status, beauty, wealth, or age. These are but shallow ways of determining who we are simply because every single one of those factors is transitory. I say transitory because, within our lifetime, these things will come and go. Our careers do not give us validity, nor does the amount of money we have in our bank accounts, the car that we drive, or the size of our homes. If we form our identity based on those things, we will be setting up ourselves for an emotional meltdown. But, when we recognize that we are valued, wanted, loved and treasured by God, we will developing a lasting confidence knowing that as a result of our relationship with the Master, we are secured in his hand. Yet, I don’t want to minimize the reality that believers do experience inferiority complexes for a variety of causes. Those who have been victimized by being bombarded with insults, derogatory name calling, or blamed for everything that goes wrong could easily start believing those lies and unwisely accept those labels as a part of their identity. That is why the Bible emphasizes the fact that we need to esteem and affirm each other rather 
than backbite or be involved in character assassination. Our family members, neighbors, colleagues and even Christian brothers and sisters need a word of encouragement instead of insults. Regardless of what the world say about us, we must recognize that God purposely designed who we are in every finite details. The Lord directed what the color of our eyes, height, pigmentation, and everything involving our development should be. Discontent with the way we look could actually be an insult since God considers you and me to be his masterpiece since he created us exactly as he intended. It is for that reason that we don’t need nor should we depend on someone’s approval for self acceptance. God went to great length to create us in a unique way and to equipped you and me with skills, abilities, and talents to enable us to fulfill our destiny. We are loved and treasured by God exactly as we are; bald or full of hair, short or tall, skinny or plump, male or female, young or old. We honor God when we accept ourselves and are content with the way God made us. What makes you and me even more special is the fact that we are citizens of heaven, a friend of God, and an ambassador of Christ. Any word spoken against you that does not align with God’s view must be condemned and rejected So, we don’t have to put up with labels that contradicts God’s word about us. 

When David said that he was fearfully and wonderfully made, he was actually saying that God’s masterpiece in forming and creating him was nothing short of astonishing and amazing. So, there is no such thing as a nobody. Everyone is significant, has value and worth. We may feel invisible, but understand that God does take notice of us and we are precious in his sight. Let us come into agreement with God’s image of us rather than the world’s description. Our creator went to great length to create a masterpiece when he made you and me. Yes, we are all part of the human race, but we are unique individuals. Your DNA, tongue print, finger print, iris, ear 
shape, and so forth make you different than anyone else. You are also special because you are a member of the royal family of God with purpose and a divine destiny to fulfill. So, let’s celebrate who we are in Christ rather than wallow in despair and self pity. 

ALTAR CALL: Every living human being were created by God, but not every living being are his children. Only those who accept Christ as Lord and Savior get the privilege and honor of being designated as a member of the family of God. If you are not a member of the royal family, which can easily be fixed by opening your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. If you had previously surrendered your life to him awhile back, but have walked away from your godly heritage, Jesus is beckoning you to return home. 

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